I Dream in Truffles

Hi there, First of all, happy (Thai)Father’s Day! And long live HM the King. I wish that all of you who live in Thailand are currently having a good long weekend. I certainly am! How good of a time am I having you may ask? Let me just tell you that the beginning of my…

Tasting with the nose @ Scent Dinner

Did you know that you only taste 5% of your food and the other 95% of the “flavor” is scent? I learned that puzzling fact at the “Scent Dinner” with Chandler Burr at the Four Seasons Hotel’s 11th World Gourmet Festival last night. As I already touched upon this event briefly in my previous post…

You, Me, and Madison

Just dropping by for a quick update on my dinner at Madison at Four Seasons Hotel tonight, it’s gonna be a super quick review since it’s been a super long day and I have to wake up at 6 AM for a morning wedding! So do you remember how a couple of posts back I…

My Italian Lover

As most of you already know, you can pretty much find an Italian restaurant at every street corner of Bangkok. The variety is endless from the more “authentic” Italian joints scattered around Thonglor and in hotels to the less authentic places such as the Japanese-style pasta joint, Jin-Emon, at MBK or the Thai-home cooked-style “Jaan…