Another Chocolate Chip Cookie

Hi there, I’m giving myself a pat on the back for blogging twice this week, but it’s X’mas, and X’mas is the best time to cook and bake! These cookies are simple and not too sweet, crispy on the outside and soft on the inside – the best kind! And I always go heavy with…

Chicken Pot Pie

Hi there, I haven’t posted anything in so long, but that’s because I haven’t cooked anything blog-worthy in months (sad…..) not because I’ve forgotten about this blog! But I had to post about this chicken pot pie because it’s bomb! I know it’s not the prettiest-looking, but it tastes amazing! I love using puff pastry…

Chrissy Teigen’s Brussle Sprouts

Hi there, I love Chrissy Teigen; I love her style, her sense of humor, the fact that she’s also mixed Thai, but now I’m starting to really dig her new cookbook “Cravings.” I preordered and got it in the mail not too long ago but only just got a chance to try something out. The…

Pesto and Peas Fusilli

   Hi there, Tonight I had to whip up a quick meal for my family since the traffic was so bad, we couldn’t be bothered to eat out. Given the lack of ingredients, I resorted to typing things I had on hand into google and ended up with a pasta recipe. First I was very…

Death by Chocolate Brownies

Hi there, I know I have multiple brownie recipes here on the site, but I stumbled upon this one recipe on that has thousands of reviews, so I had to give it a try. However, I ended up completely changing the ingredients because the batter was way too cakey for my taste, and I…

Blueberry Pancakes and Cheddar Biscuit

Hi there! I know it’s been forever since I last posted, but I got a chance to host a brunch for some friends yesterday. I made two things that are pretty easy and quick to make, making them perfect perfect for a leisurely boozy Sunday brunch! Blueberry Pancakes (Source: Ingredients 1 1/2 cups all-purpose…

Double Chocolate Chunk Cookie

Hi there, My current obsession is hazelnut. I sprinkle them on top of ice-cream, I eat them with toast and Nutella, I like them with some creamy ricotta, and now I love them in my double chocolate cookies! This recipe has been slightly modified from the tried and tested Chocolate Chocolate Chip Cookie from….

Blueberry Cornmeal Cake

Hey there, One of the best cookbooks I bought last year is called Huckleberry. Not only is the book absolutely stunning, the recipes are delicious too. Today I have a very easy cake that’s perfect for tea time. The cornmeal gives it an interesting texture; the fresh blueberries give a goon hint of acidity, and…

Coq Au Vin

Hi there, Today I have a savory dish to share with you all. I’ve been trying to make one one-pot meal during the weekend to pack to school in the following week. But you know me, I won’t be making any boring stuff! So this week I’m making some Coq Au Vin. This dish is…

Apple Crumble

Hi there, I went apple picking last weekend and managed to gather some scrumptious Granny Smiths. I was planning in making an apple pie, but my schedule got so hectic that I decided to go for its less fussy (distant) step cousin – apple crumble. Apple Crumble  (Adapted from BBC Good Food) Ingredients For the…